How to optimize your WordPress website

Developing with WordPress equates with developing for the web in general. If one abides by sensible performance best practices, WordPress installs will run smooth and fast. Here are three key points to take into account:

  • Keep your HTTP requests to a minimum, ie, include as few resources (CSS, JS, images) as possible, or bundle them together. Minify and gzip them while at it;
  • Compress images, and only have them as big as you need them. Provide different resolutions for each image so the browser can opt for the leanest one for the current viewport (WP supports responsive images out-of-the-box);
  • Cache your pages. Most WP websites serve static content, so it makes all the sense to render the PHP code once and then serve that cached version. You will then be, in practice, serving a static website. And that is really fast.

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