After a vice-filled vacation period, I decided to start a path to a more wholesome lifestyle, meaning dropping the things that hurt my health and day-to-day energy, while taking up those that boost it.
Here’s the list I came up with:
- Take on meditation
- Drop coffee, no exceptions
- Sleep early, wake up early
- Listen to albums, not playlists
- Take up swimming
- Take up running
- Read books, not articles or Social Media
- Watch movies, not YouTube
- Write often, always carry a pen (like Paul Auster did)
- Drop meat, red for sure. Eat fruit + drink smoothies. Lots of water
- Catch (sun) rays
- Drop refined sugar (sweets)
- Connect to loved ones
- Be thankful
I realised I am hooked on playlists when listening to music, while talking to my good friend Jorge. I’m going back to the deeper experience of listening to music by taking on full albums, instead.
You made my day so many days. Thanks bro that’s u on top of this list
rEAD BOoks > articles / social media
bravo força