Posts By: Fred Rocha

La huellas digitales

“Yo no quiero morirme nunca, porque quiero jugar siempre.” After Eduardo Galeano

Galão Vs Chai

Internet Galão, or internet Chai? You choose. #Berlin

Hicks lives

Bill Hicks was discretely running through his standup routine in the bathroom speakers of a café that accepts Bitcoin as payment. #Berlin

The life of an entrepreneur

Things are moving really fast. Tomorrow heading to Berlin, hoping my body can take the heat (cold).

Alone in the universe

We, Memeoirs, are still the only ones in the Universe doing emails to book. #fact

Kill FB

Kill your facebook tab. It’s the wisest thing you’ll do today.

Steamy Ubuntu

Half-life 2 on Ubuntu via Steam. A night well spent.

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